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   MIRIAM, or Mim as she is known, was a rookie in the gun world until late 2013 when an incident caused her to realize that she needed to take her personal safety into her own hands and find a firearms class.  Her husband Jay, an avid gun enthusiast, saw a segment on the Outdoor Channel highlighting a group called 'Babes with Bullets'.   This 2014 camp and the advanced class in 2015 would forever change her life.

   Ready to continue her training, 2016 brought another camp, the annual conference in Texas with a national ladies organization, A Girl and A Gun.  During the week long conference as well as other training, she earned her NRA certification as a Range Safety Officer and Instructor status for NRA Basic Pistol and NRA Home Firearm Safety.  Along with these achievements, she had the chance to attend training sessions with world class instructors in the proper use of the shotgun and modern sporting rifle which has opened her world of the shooting sports to include not only pistol events but trap, skeet and sporting clays.

" I never imagined that shooting was so much fun! "

" I have met so many inspiring, empowered women! "

  My Qualifications and Memberships


© 2024  The Purple Gun LLC

The Rules of Gun Safety

  • ALWAYS keep your gun pointed in a safe direction

  • ALWAYS keep your finger off the trigger until ready to shoot

  • ALWAYS keep your gun unloaded until ready to use

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